Easter 2011

Easter 2011
My 4 most favorite things

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Freedom in Boundries...

My husband reminded me today, as I'm in my hospital gown feeling as though a Mack truck hit me then turned around and hit me again, that there is Freedom in Boundaries. And, he's exactly right.

My pastor once told a story about a group of school children who were taken outside to play. One group played in a fenced in area and one group played in an area with no fences. The children within the fencing explored the entire area, ran, laughed and played until it was time to go inside. The other group, the group without fencing, just sort of mingled in the middle of the play yard, not really exploring the entire play area. Freedom in Boundaries.

I am home today after my lap band surgery. And, as awful as I may feel physically right now, I'm terribly excited and happy. As I mentioned in a previous blog-I'm looking forward to redefining my relationship with food. And, it's starting with boundaries and my freedom within those boundaries. The lap band is my fence...so it's time to enjoy my life using my band to help me place boundaries on my previously destructive relationship with food!


  1. Congrats on your surgery and welcome to band land.. you about to start a very exciting adventure.. and all of your band friends are here to help you along the way..

  2. CONGRATULATIONS BANDER!!! Sip, sip, sip and walk, walk, walk! Feel better soon!

  3. I just logged on for the first time in a while. OMG! I'm so excited for you (and have to admit a bit envious). You are my 3rd friend in 2 years who has undergone this. The other 2 are doing fab as I predict you will as well. I truly am excited for you and the journey you are embarking on. I love ya and am cheering for you!!! Myndee
